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Showing posts with label Lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lifestyle. Show all posts

July 30, 2010

Why Shopping Becomes an Addiction

Are you feeling bored and cannot find something entertaining to do? If it is the start of the month, you will certainly enjoy shopping without planning. You will end up making an abrupt decision by turning on the ignition of your car and heading towards the nearest supermarket. At the supermarket, you will drag out a trolley much like the piano dolly for stuffing the items you purchase. However, the two differ slightly in a way that the piano dollies are two wheelers as compared to the superstore trolleys. Whether it is shopping from the superstores or from any online store, the point to focus on is that the desire to shop grows on you excessively.
In order to free yourself from this desire, let us figure out some of the reasons that drive you towards over-indulging. If you know the exact reasons, then you might be able to bring your shopping frenzy under control. Given below are some of the motivations that make you spend too much.
Feeling Bored
The most common reason for shopping is to have fun. Just imagine how delighted you feel on finding any perfect item in the right color. Shopping becomes a sort of entertainment, especially when it is done with a group of friends. Especially in case of all the ladies out there, there is nothing like a shared passion for shopping that bonds them together.
Are You Impulsive
It happens often that people pick up things from a supermarket that they do not even need. The main reason is that there are so many attractive things present in front of your eyes that you simply cannot resist the temptation. You randomly pick something that attracts you or the items you wish to try for the first time. Many of the shopping challenges can be tied to this impulsive behavior.
You Are In Charge
With a lot of money in your hands, the urge to go shopping gets to its peak. Money gives an empowering feeling to buy whatever you like. This temptation is more common among the teens that have recently got this freedom. Previously, they were restricted by the parental dictatorship over their spending. This is the main reason why they lack the sense of saving.
This sounds quite strange, but different surveys prove that people get great satisfaction by going for shopping after having a fight with their spouse. This is the situation in which you are likely to spend more money in order to take revenge. Therefore it is advisable to never go shopping when you are angry.
Rewarding yourself
There are countless instances when we say, go ahead you deserve it and end up spending a lot of money on something that seems difficult to afford. It is a great pleasure to buy something special for oneself but it usually costs big bucks.
These were some of the reasons why shopping becomes an addiction for most people. If we can sufficiently curb this desire, then a decent amount of money can be saved.

July 26, 2010

Shopping Desires of Women Are Able To Defeat Sex

Sex may be included in the list of the most enjoyable activities that can dispel the boredom for women. But it can displace spending mood loh female sex.

A study conducted by Cosmopolitan magazine that respond to women's concerns about the willingness of men having sex women. Cosmopolitan has previously conducted a survey of male. It turned out that the biggest worry is the partner they have no desire to make love to kuat.Dikutip from the Telegraph, Friday (6/13/2008) of 778 women with age range 19-45 years were surveyed about their favorite activities daily. And the result at the time the men think about sex every 52 seconds, the woman actually thought of spending every 60 seconds.

If the average hours of sleep these women is 8 hours per day, then in one day, women think of shopping as much as 960 times.

The funny thing is 50 percent of these women admitted they do not necessarily use all the products of their groceries. While 40 percent of them also admitted to craving shopping bags and shoes.

What should be a concern, the women were even willing to have credit card arrears in order to fulfill their desire of excessive spending. Including women who are sacrificing your sex for shopping?



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